Presentation: Tweet"Scala 2.12 and Beyond"
We'll never pack as many new features into a Scala release as in 2.10, but that doesn't mean we can't have some fun! In 2.12, we're eager to take full advantage of Java 8's embrace of lambdas. In bytecode, your Scala-defined lambdas will look just like those emitted by Java 8's compiler, and the Scala compiler will be happy to synthesize a Single Abstract Method type for you when calling a higher-order method defined in Java. The bytecode generator and optimizer are getting a complete overhaul while we're at it. In 2.13, our attention will shift to the standard library, with a slimmed down collections library and polish for all surfaces, as well as a preview of the new macro API that will land in the code-named versions of Scala from a more distant future.
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